Becker Muscular Dystrophy Research Study

ImagingNMD is dedicated to advancing research for neuromuscular disorders by using state-of-the-art Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging techniques to monitor disease progression in muscular dystrophies and help inform, design, and conduct better clinical trials.

You can join ImagingNMD’s study as a participant even if you are actively enrolled in other clinical trials.

How Our Natural History Studies Serve the Muscular Dystrophy Community

  • Improve our understanding of the way the disease affects different muscles.
  • Help design better clinical trials for muscular dystrophies.
  • Help us understand the relationship between dystrophin levels and disease progression.
  • Provide context for understanding the effect of new drugs tested in clinical trials.
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Our Current Becker Muscular Dystrophy Study

Few research studies have highlighted Becker muscular dystrophy, and therefore, there is much that is still unknown about this rare disease. Becker MD has been difficult to study since it can often be misdiagnosed and symptoms present often later in life. In addition to this, not many health professionals are familiar with the condition.

ImagingNMD is committed to mapping out the disease progression in a wide variety of individuals with BMD using a comprehensive approach. The longitudinal history tells a story about the onset of symptoms, its impact on different muscles, and allows us to predict loss in function. These data also allow us to understand how to best conduct future clinical trials.

We believe education is the key to advancing research for neuromuscular disorders and the development of effective treatment interventions.

Learn More About the Study

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There are no costs for you to participate. We’re committed to ensuring that all participants can easily access this study. If this study is a good fit, you will receive all study-related procedures, including medical screenings and assessments, all at no cost to you. We will also pay directly for your lodging and travel to one of our sites (Florida or Portland).

Approximately 105 men with BMD, 18–62 years of age

Your participation in this study will last for a total duration of 24 months. You will be asked to participate in 3 visits over that time (baseline, 12 and 24 months). Each visit will take 6–8 hours. Participation is completely voluntary, and you may discontinue at any time.

This study is being conducted on behalf of the University of Florida and Oregon Health and Science University with trained and qualified specialists.

An Institutional Review Board, or IRB, is a panel of professionals with diverse experiences in research, medicine, and ethics that reviews and approves human studies before they are started. Before a study can begin, an independent IRB must review all information about the study design to decide whether it’s ethical to ask patients to volunteer for the study.

There are state, national, and international regulations and policies in place to protect the rights and safety of people while participating in a study, which ensures that strict scientific and ethical principles are followed. Studies are run by medical professionals who follow these guidelines to make sure that participants are safe, and the protocol is being followed.

All study participation is completely voluntary, and you may decide to discontinue at any time and for any reason.

You can join ImagingNMD’s study as a participant even if you are actively enrolled in other clinical trials!

No, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) does not use ionizing radiation. Unlike X-rays, which emit radiation, MRIs rely on powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of soft tissues, including muscles, organs, and bones, without any radiation exposure.